sentence is the smallest unit that expresses a complete thought, either by
spoken or written. In oral form, the sentence was pronounced in a voice soft
and hard up and down, interrupted by pauses, and ending with final intonation
followed by a silence that prevents the occurrence of fusion or assimilation of
other sounds or phonological processes. In the form of writing, the sentence
begins with a capital letter and ends with full stop (.), question mark (?), or
an exclamation mark (!), and in it you can include punctuation such as comma
(,), colon (:), split (-), and space. A period, question mark and exclamation
mark on a form commensurate with the tone of the final paper in an oral form of
the following spaces while they symbolize silence. Punctuation is worth the
pause. The sentence is also a combination of two or more words that generate a
sense and intonation patterns of late.
has two general senses, namely comprehension in a narrow sense and in a broad
sense. Comprehension in the narrow sense signifies the mental process in which
a listener receives the sounds uttered by the speaker and use it to build an
interpretation of what they think in order to deliver it. Comprehension in the broad
sense, the listener usually put their interpretation to extract new information
presented and storing information in memory.
the two statements, we can conclude that the sentence is the smallest unit that
expresses a complete thought, whether spoken or written by the spoken or
written, while comprehension is the mental process in which a listener receives
the sounds uttered by the speaker and use it to build an interpretation of what
they think in order to deliver it. So the sentence comprehension is a
constructive process, which is a place where listeners take advantage of
external information of the speech perception system as well as internal
information, which consists of linguistic knowledge, facts about the world,
lexical information, the expectations on many levels, and a set of strategies
to gain a superficial meaning of a superficial form.
Djardjowidjojo defines "process in producing
speech can be divided into four levels:
The message, in which the messages to be
delivered are processed,
At the level of the message, the
speaker gather information from the meaning to be conveyed. As the example
"Tutiek was feeding her child"
information are: (a) the person, (b) the person is female, (c) She got married,
(d) She has a son, (e) She is doing something, (f) the act is feeding her
The functional level, where the shape is
selected and then given the role of lexical and syntactic function,
the functional level, there are two things that are processed. First, choose
the appropriate lexical form with a message that will be delivered and
grammatical information for each one that she knew, the woman in question is
Tutiek, and this word is the name of the woman; the action is “feed”; between
argument Tutiek and his son, Tutiek is perpetrator of the act being Tutiek son
is recipient.
second process at the functional level is to provide a function on the selected
word. The process here involves syntactic grammatical relations or grammatical
functions. In the example above, the word Tutiek must be associated with the
function of the subject, while his son on the object.
Positional level, where the constituents
are formed and affixation is done, and
At the processing level
posisisonal, sorted lexical forms for speech to be issued. Ordering lexical
forms for speech to be issued. Ordering is not based on a linear rows, but on
the hierarchical unity of meaning. In this example, the word is linked to the child,
and not on Tutiek or feeding. Constituent hierarchy is the basis for the tree
The level of philology, in which the
phonological structure of speech is realized. "
After sorting is completed, the
relevant affixation will be processed. In the Indo-European languages like
English, verbs feeding (to feed) to the sentence should have inflectional
affixes-ing (feeding). For the Indonesian language, basic verbs with the suffix
must be added bribe-i (in addition to optionally perfiks).
The results of processing these
positional "sent" to the phonological level to be realized in the
form of sound.
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Kalimat dan Unsur-unsurnya. http://sebaztianagungprabowo.blogspot.com/2011/12/pemahaman-kalimat-dan-unsur-unsurnya.html.
Diakses pada tanggal 20 April
Arif, M. 2012. Produksi
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Diakses pada tanggal 22 April 2012.
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New York. HBC
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 2009. Psikolinguistik. Bandung: Angkasa
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