Second language acquisition has continuity with the
first language acquisition. The term second language acquisition is the
acquisition of which began at age 3 or 4 years. Second language acquisition is
important for each individual to be able to interact properly in its
environment. For most children in Indonesia, the Indonesian language is not
their first language, but a second language, or third. Introduction /
Indonesian mastery can occur through a process of acquisition or the learning
process. Acquisition process occurs naturally, unconsciously, through no formal
interaction with parents and / or peers, without guidance.
A. Principle
According to Barcroft there are five principles in
second language acquisition, including:
1) Present
new words frequently and repeatedly in the input.
The more frequently Learners are
exposed to language foreign vocabulary; the more Likely They are to remember
it. That most studies suggest the need Between 5-16 Learners 'meetings' with a
word in order to retain it. Every word and phrase must be entered correctly
Identified multiple times to Obtain the highest score, while the variety of
exercises and activities prevents this from being boring repetition.
2) Use
meaning-bearing comprehensible input when presenting new words.
In order for Learners to successfully
make-the Association between a foreign language word and its meaning, that
meaning must be conveyed in a comprehensible manner. One method for making
foreign terms comprehensible and Thus Spake promoting vocabulary learning is to
present each word in a variety of ways.
3) Limit
forced output during the initial stages of learning new words.
Forcing language Learners to rush
into sentence formation can interfere with learning vocabulary during the
beginning stages of acquiring a new language. Instead, Learners should be given
time to absorb the meanings of individual words at Their Own Pace before being
required to use them in a larger context. Language Learners who take that time
are far more Likely to use the words entered correctly when They do choose to
form sentences.
4) Limit
forced semantic elaboration during the initial stages of learning new words.
In Addition to not forcing
beginning language Learners to Immediately Produce whole sentences, a
vocabulary program should also avoid other Kinds of elaboration That Might
Produce negative effects on the learning of new words. Some Learners may find
it distracting or confusing if They are asked to perform other tasks at the
same time That They are Trying to commit new words to memory.
5) Progress
from less demanding to more demanding vocabulary-related activities.
Vocabulary learning is most
effective when Learners start off with a small group of words, then gradually
add more terms as the first ones are Mastered.
The conclusion was that when children acquire new
vocabulary that they still do not know, the word should be given frequently and
repeatedly in order to fit into their long-term memory. This is intended so
that they can remember and master more words that sound familiar.
Second language can be defined based on the
sequence, ie, obtained or learned the language after the child master the
language first (B1) or the mother tongue. Language acquisition, as language
learning, can be seen from several theories, the theory of acculturation,
accommodation theory, discourse theory, the theory of the monitor, competence
theory, the theory of universal hypotheses, and theories neurofungsional.
Acculturation Theory
is the process of adjustment to a new culture (Brown, 1987:129). These theories
view language as a cultural expression of the most obvious and can be observed
and that the new acquisition process will be seen from the way people looked at
each other between the B1 and B2. Although it may not be so precise, this
theory can be used to explain the acquisition process has begun B2 when the
child begins to adapt itself to the culture of B2, the use of words such as
greeting, voice tone, word choice, and other rules. In this theory, social
distance and psychological distance will determine the success of obtaining
Theory of Accommodation
B1 and B2 look
at the theory, for example, as two distinct groups. This theory attempts to
explain the relationship between the two groups is dynamic.
Discourse Theory
This theory is very suitable to be
applied in the context of this conversation. Language acquisition in terms of
how children discover the meaning potential through participation in the
communication language. Cherry (via Ellis, 1986:259) emphasizes the importance
of communication as an effort to develop the rules of language structure.
Monitor Theory
of Krashen (1977) this view of language acquisition as a constructive creative
process. Monitor is a tool used to edit the child's performance (verbal
performance) the language. This Monitor work using the competency
Competence Theory of Variable
theory can be seen that the acquisition reflected B2 and how language is used.
The product consists of products planned languages (such as mimicking the
story or dialogue) and unplanned (such as everyday conversation).
Universal Theory Hypothesis
theory believes that there are linguistic universals that determine the course
of acquisition B2.
Theory Neurofungsional
acquisition is closely related to the nervous system, particularly Broca's area
(area of verbal expressive) and Wernicke's (comprehension area).
Nevertheless, the association area, visual, speech and tone also play a role.
Thus, the actual language acquisition also involves the brain child and left.
The conclusion was that the language is the source
of the most visible cultural expressions and can be observed in the process of
language acquisition. The process of language acquisition has begun when the
child begins to adapt itself to the language of culture, such as the use of the
word of greeting, voice tone, word choice, and other rules.
Practice in
second language acquisition, can be done with a variety of existing approaches,
1) The
Grammar Translation Approach
This approach had been made to
teach Latin, but the next is used to teach various languages. Teachers who use this
approach to teaching a second language to first language (mother tongue).
Target language is only used a few times. Vocabulary list to the main menu to
be memorized by the students, and teachers elaborates with grammar. Usually the
material is taken for the discussion of the grammar is difficult texts.
Learners are more focused on the analysis of the meaning of the sentence
compared to the participants' understanding of the text .The way of trained in
using a second language is through translation per-sentence. Pronounciation in
this approach is not so emphasized.
2) The
Direct Approach
The emergence of this approach in
response to The Grammar Translation Approach is considered incomplete in the
process of teaching a second language. In The Direct Approach, teachers could
use a second language is taught only as an introduction. First language is not
used in the classroom. Teachers usually start learning to make conversation and
show pictures. In addition, the grammar is taught in integral is taken from the
expression language that is being discussed. Grammar texts are not analyzed,
but the meaning. Introduced cultural understanding as well as a very important
part in learning a second language.
3) The
Reading Approach
This approach is more intended for
academic interest, or in other words for a particular purpose. In addition, The
Reading Approach emphasizes the empowerment of learners reading skills. In
addition, to trace the history of how the language is spoken. Grammar is taught
as it relates and is necessary to understand the contents of the text being
read, in addition to fluency in the reading to be one important factor being
taught. Pronounciation and speaking abilities, especially in a conversation is
not emphasized. In contrast, vocabulary lists and graded according to level of
difficulty is given to students for memorized. The goal for students with
specific time can have a lot of vocabulary, so that he can easily understand
any kind of text.
4) The
Audiolingual Method
This type of approach is used based
on the principles of the theory Behavioristic. In addition, this approach is a
lot to adapt and direct approach in response to the lack of speaking in reading
instruction approach. Teachers deliver the new material by means of dialogue.
Recall (memorization), and play expression (mimicry) be one of the main
techniques in this approach. Grammar is taught in stages and over and over, as
the process of strengthening, in addition to the teaching of grammar taught in
integral based on the topics being discussed.
5) Community
Language Learning
This type of approach is somewhat
different from previous approaches. Community language learning is intended to
relieve anxiety or fear (anxiety) when learners learn a second language.
Consequently, this approach emphasizes the direction of regular guidance and
counseling rather than teaching. Therefore, teachers are trained counselors who
plays as learners.
6) The
Silent Way
This type of approach is used so
that learners are more active in learning in the classroom. Teachers are more
concentrated in scrutinizing how the students say and how they say it
ekspresiekspresi. The teacher was trying to make the students able to pronounce
various words by producing the correct word, in addition to practicing
spontaneous second language use in any situation.
7) Functional-Notional
This method is part of the umbrella
communicative approach. However, the functional-notional approach emphasizes
the organization of the language syllabus. The emphasis is to divide the global
concept of language into units of analysis in communication situations that are
commonly used by speakers of the language. Teaching is divided into several
elements such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns
or adjectives. Variations also affect the situation of languages such as
dialects, formal and informal.
8) Total
Physical Response
James J. Asher defines the Total
Physical Response (TPR) as an approach that combines information and expertise
through the use of sensor systems kinestatis. This combination of skills allows
learners to assimilate information quickly. The result was brought to the level
of motivation of learners.
The conclusion is an understanding of spoken
language before developing speaking skills, emphasis on communication of
information transfer. Learners are not forced to say, but conditioned to be
ready to talk when the students feel comfortable and confident in understanding
and producing language. Several techniques can be done by teachers, as teachers
themselves demonstrate some expressions that are taught. The teacher asks the
students to follow. The teacher asks the students to demonstrate their own.
Teachers and students play a role in turn. Teachers and students can expand the
production of a new sentence.
Anonim. Second
Language. Diakses pada tanggal 05 Juni 2012
Herbert H. and Clark, Eve V. (1997). Psychology
and Language: an Introduction to Psycholinguistics.
New York. HBC
Maulida, E. 2012. Memahami Hakikat dan Prinsip
Diakses pada tanggal 01 Juni 2012
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