A. Discourse Comprehension
in Yoce (2009: 69) discusses the language of discourse is the most complete
unit in the highest and grammatical hirearki a grammatical unit of the highest
or greatest. Discourse is realized in the form of a whole essay, such as
novels, short stories or prose and poetry, a series of encyclopedias and others
as well as paragraphs, sentences, phrases, and words that carry the full
is 1. series of related sentences, which connects with a preposition is a
preposition that other, forming a single unit, forming a sense of harmony
between the sentences; 2. unity of the language or the largest most
comprehensive and highest in the sentence or clause with high coherence and cohesion
that are sustainable, which could have a real beginning and end, be submitted
orally or in writing (in Eriyanto Badudu JS, 2001: 2).
on the statement, in broad outline, we can conclude the sense of discourse is
the linguistic unit larger than a sentence or clause, and a complete language
units than phonemes, morphemes, words, clauses, sentences with high coherence
and cohesion that are sustainable, are capable of having early and real final,
delivered orally or in writing may include oral speech and can also be written,
but the conditions must be in a series and is formed by more than a sentence.
in Mulyana (2005: 1) explains that the study of discourse pertaining to the
understanding of human action is done with the language (verbal) and not the
language (nonverbal). This suggests, that to understand the discourse of well
and appropriately, required sufficient knowledge of language, and not the
language (general).
As objects of
study and the study of language, discourse can be studied from various aspects.
Discourse analysis examines the discourse in terms of both internal and
external. In terms of internal, examined the discourse of the type, structure,
and relationships parts of discourse, while the external terms of discourse examined
in terms of linkages with the speaker's discourse, the subject matter and the
conversation partner. In conclusion, the understanding of discourse is the
process of finding the configuration of schemata that offers an adequate
description of the relevant literature.
B. Discorse Production
of discourse can be a series of sentences or sequences of utterances (although
discourse may be a single sentence or utterance). Discourse in the form of a
series of sentences or utterances should consider certain principles, the
principle of unity (unity) and cohesiveness (coherent).
Discourse is
said to complete when the sentences in a discourse that supports the topics
being discussed, while the discourse is said coherent if the sentences -
sentences arranged in a regular and systematic, thus showing keruntututan ideas
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New York. HBC
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