1. Characteristics of ESP Courses
The characteristics
of ESP courses identified by Carter, D., (1983) are discussed here. He states
that there are three features common to ESP courses: a) authentic material, b)
purpose-related orientation, and c) self-direction.
If we revisit Dudley-Evans' claim
that ESP should be offered at an intermediate or advanced level, use of
authentic learning materials is entirely feasible. Closer examination of ESP
materials will follow; suffice it to say at this juncture that use of authentic
content materials, modified or unmodified in form, are indeed a feature of ESP,
particularly in self-directed study and research tasks. For Language
Preparation for Employment in the Health Sciences, a large component of the
student evaluation was based on an independent study assignment in which the
learners were required to investigate and present an area of interest. The
students were encouraged to conduct research using a variety of different
resources, including the Internet.
Purpose-related orientation refers
to the simulation of communicative tasks required of the target setting.
Carter, D., (1983) cites student simulation of a conference, involving the
preparation of papers, reading, note taking, and writing. At Algonquin College,
English for business courses have involved students in the design and presentation
of a unique business venture, including market research, pamphlets and logo
creation. The students have presented all final products to invited ESL classes
during a poster presentation session. For our health science program, students
attended a seminar on improving your listening skills. They practiced listening
skills, such as listening with empathy, and then employed their newly acquired
skills during a fieldtrip to a local community centre where they were partnered
up with English-speaking residents.
Finally, self-direction is
characteristic of ESP courses in that the " ... point of including
self-direction ... is that ESP is concerned with turning learners into
users" (Carter, D., 1983 : 134). In order for self-direction to occur, the
learners must have a certain degree of freedom to decide when, what, and how
they will study. He also adds that there must be a systematic attempt by
teachers to teach the learners how to learn by teaching them about learning
strategies. Is it necessary, though, to teach high-ability learners such as
those enrolled in the health science program about learning strategies? Rather,
what is essential for these learners is learning how to access information in a
new culture.
2. The Meaning of the Word 'Special' in ESP
One simple
clarification will be made here: special language and specialized aim are two
entirely different notions. G, Perren. (1974) he was noted that confusion
arises over these two notions. If we revisit Mackay and Mountford's restricted
repertoire, we can better understand the idea of a special language. R, Mackay
and Mountford, J.A., (1978: 4) state:
“The only practical way in which we can understand the notion of
special language is as a restricted repertoire of words and expressions
selected from the whole language because that restricted repertoire covers
every requirement within a well-defined context, task or vocation.”
On the other hand,
a specialized aim refers to the purpose for which learners learn a language,
not the nature of the language they learn. Consequently, the focus of the word
'special' in ESP ought to be on the purpose for which learners learn and not on
the specific jargon or registers they learn.
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