In Relation to Teacher’s Goals, Syllabus Goals and Student’s Goals
1. ESP in relation to teacher’s goals
When we talk
about teaching and learning English as a second or foreign language we can find
a lot of literature concerning language learning theories, methodology,
didactic or teaching techniques.
The following
composition is based on T.Hutchinson and A.Waters’ theories “English for
specific purposes – A learning centred approach” and we tried to find
out some practical applications for teaching English at Vocational School.
English for
specific purposes (ESP) is a way of teaching / learning English for specialised
subjects with some specific vocational and educational purpose in mind. There
are different needs for different purposes (and learners) of English language
e.g. English for Economics, English for Business, English for Secretaries,
English for Technicians and others.
Certainly a basic
knowledge of general English language competence will be required too and
developed further. “English for vocational purposes” is an application of ESP
according to our students’ language needs for work and to their different jobs
at Vocational School. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) must be seen as an
“approach to language learning (not as a product) which is based on learners
need and directed by specific and apparent reasons for learning.”
There is a
distinction between what a person does (performance = language use) and what
enables them to do it (competence = language learning).
This approach is
learning and learner oriented (but not teacher oriented) with a conception and
preference of communicative competence. If we consider the learning process we
are able to find out a lot of syllabus’ goals as well as students’ goals
implicated in ESP.
2. ESP in relation to syllabus goals
Learning English
for Specific Purposes at Vocational School follow the general syllabus from the
Ministry of Education defining what is to be (or better : should be) learnt.
Let us look up some goals of our general syllabus and compare them to ESP
Especially within
the “Didactic principles” we found out many sensible goals according to ESP and
in consonance to my own teaching point of view. These principles also can be
seen as guidance to the aspects of the harmonious how learning could take
place. Some didactic principles: “Main criteria for the selection of
teaching subjects are the applicability to the job and everyday life situation
of the students with the special requirements of the harmonious.”
- It is recommendable to start from the students’ previous knowledge and field of experiences.
- The chief importance in teaching these students is to transmit basic language skills.
- The communicative skills should be developed by using the foreign language as teaching language and with the use of language tapes, videos of shopping talks, phone talks, or radio and TV-reports.
- The use of special authentic materials like service and repair instructions, product information, business letters or technical journals improve the reading comprehension and intensify the relationship to their job.
- To take pleasure in language learning communication should have priority to linguistic terms.
Mentioned goals
of the general syllabus - outlining general topics and communicative tasks - do
agree with the goals of English for Specific Purposes (ESP).
The general
syllabus should be used as a basis for materials, for the initial selection of
texts, exercises and activities. The materials themselves the teacher uses will
produce a detailed language syllabus, were both the needs analyses of the
students and the learning process is to be considered.
3. The learning process and students’ goals
The primarily
goal in language learning activities is to get the students able to
communicate, to understand what others wish and to interact freely with others.
For those reasons classroom activities should be planned in a way that the
students do have a real natural purpose. It is better to present the language
in a context to a purpose other than the English language itself. “Language
is best taught when it is being used to transmit messages, not when it is explicitly
taught for conscious learning”. (S. Krashen, 1985). Let’s see a teaching
unit about arches (Building Ideas 2) as a practical example:
The harmonious architect
who is interested in learning how to build an arch will be motivated more to
work with an English text related to his interest. Photos, drawings and
sketches should make the students want to know of the topic. One photo shows student
architects at work building an arch. And almost most of them are at least
partly informed or able to construct such an arch. Then there is given further
information about arches made in England by English architects.
Is it a
goal now for the learner to learn something about arches in English language?
Are they
interested in the topic and do they have the motivation now?
The teaching
material should encourage students to start learning an ESP-unit and they
should be willing to do so. There is no doubt also harmonious will be pleasure
if they are able to use a foreign language. They also have to be aware that
they want to achieve this competence though.
language learning / teaching also needs to understand the structure and
processes of the mind – how people learn.
“Before learners can actively think about something they must want
to think about it. ... So the
emotional reaction to the learning experience is the essential foundation for
the initiation of the cognitive process. ... How the learning is
perceived will affect what learning takes place.”
Within the
learning process it is important to pick up the student at the existing level
and to connect new learning items into the network of the existing knowledge.
Referring to the example about arches students have in mind a basic technical
knowledge and the existing language knowledge where the new information can be
linked. If the learner is also aware of his needs and why he wants to learn
English he will be motivated and enjoy the process of learning and to acquire
knowledge. It is of great importance indeed for students to have pleasure and
success in learning – which is also valid for harmonious!.
4. ESP in relation to the goals of an “ESP” teacher
It is easier to
describe the purposes a teacher has than the goals, which are in accordance
actually. He has to create the estimate for a good learning situation in an
agreeable classroom atmosphere by keeping in mind the basic principles of
language learning and language teaching.
The most
effective language teaching will mean that the students are set realistic tasks
where they use the language for a specific purpose. That will be achieved by
using authentic materials mentioned earlier referring to the syllabus.
An authentic text
is preferable to support the natural language approach as a part of the
teaching / learning process especially at Vocational School. To use a target
situation text makes the exercise more realistic and increases the learners’
motivation by emphasising the real world application of the language.
The most
important role then for the teacher is that of a “catalyst, to help to make
things happen” and his purpose is to activate students and to encourage them to
Using authentic
material should also reflect a teacher’s relation to ESP and considered as an
attempt to provide a stimulus to learning. Interesting teaching material helps
to organise and to keep on the teaching / learning process.
5. Conclusive remarks
English for
specific purposes (ESP) is an approach to learning English, which is based on
learners’ needs. The teacher should be aware of the students’ needs, lacks
and wants and the students should be able to answer the question why they
need to learn the foreign language.
Teaching English
for specific purposes (ESP) is more than just presenting language items or
skills and strategies. It is not just the content of what is learnt that is
important but also the activity through which it is learnt”. The learning
process should be seen as an enjoyable and satisfying experience where the
learners need success to develop their language competence.
In ESP the
syllabus, students’ and teacher’s goals should fit together and supplement each
other. The syllabus must be used in a dynamic way to enable the student’s
considerations such as interest, enjoyment or learner involvement which
influence the content of a language course or lesson.
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